Thursday, 10 February 2011

Sweden - The Most Corrupted Country in the World


1. government bribes largest newspapers every year - 50 million Euro´s

2. corruption in every authority

3. totaly corrupted justice system

4. shadow government is the Wallenberg family

5. government financing Afghan opium production to support better weapon sales to USA and Turkey

6. worlds largest weapon industry - selling weapons and starting conflicts all over the world

7. intervention all over the world where poor country´s are being robbed... robbing them even more

8. police threatening journalists

9. no freedom of speech

10. no demonstration rights

11. no right for meetings in group

12. puppet government

13. one party state

14. inbred government

15. government bribing and infiltrating human rights organisations

16. no right to criticize government

17. government has assassins and uses them to kill those who threaten government corruption

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